The Opportunities of Fire Guardian Technology

When you start an ESG systemic design with a team of experts to prevent and solve wildfires, you first ask yourself how big you want to become. How wide and far do we want to spread? Well, in this case, that is a simple question to answer. 

Wildfires are threatening the world everywhere! So, we want to be… everywhere.

How do you get… everywhere? Well, that’s simple too. Start with a generalized systemic design that we can plot on all kinds of bioregional climate zones, economic factors, and local cultures.

The picture above is our design. Go to our ESG Guardian DAO manifesto to read more.

The first strand of action is the data. We collect data from satellites, sensors, and drones. We put those data in one big data lake. But one lake of data is useless without designing the data details with a few important factors:

  • Ethical data – anonymized
  • Interoperable data – data designed to talk to each other
  • Energy-efficient design of the data transfers
  • Bioregional community and stakeholder-owned data

We created the ESG Guardian DAO. A Decentralized Autonomous Organization that owns the data and spreads them to the people who want to use them in decentralized APPs. 

We are redesigning the world ethically with decentralization for a huge cause for humanity. Wildfire prevention and solutions. Later, we will expand to freshwater solutions. Fire and water are strongly connected so the data for fore prevention can be used for freshwater creation too.

People get paid in our ESG Guardian DAO system through tokenization and smart contracts. Landowners and farmers might put sensors on their land. But they might also retrieve data for their precision farming. Tourism organizations might want the data for weather predictions. And governments want the data for monitoring and decision making with AI models.

The ESG Guardians DAO is a business model breaking through borders and budget silos.

If you want to be part of the Fire Guardians, contact us for funding opportunities. Or for connecting your company, government, insurance organization, ESG reporting, NGO or community to our ESG Guardian DAO solutions system.

We need the ecosystem services to become healthy again. And prevent calamities!

We are open to Abundance 4 ALL!